The SilverArts showcase welcomes all eligible artists to come and celebrate total wellness through creative talent.
Along with the sports and games each spring, the Cherokee/Clay Senior Games & SilverArts conducts its SilverArts Showcase competition. Unlike sports, there are no gender or age divisions in SilverArts.
Anyone who is 50 years of age or better on or before December 31 of the current year and be a resident of Cherokee, Clay and Graham counties for three (3) consecutive months each year may participate.
Qualifying info for North Carolina State Finals which are held in September each year.
For Heritage and Visual arts, those competitors who place in the top 3 in each sub-category in the local competition will qualify.
For Literary arts, those competitors who place in the top 2 in each sub-category in the local competition will qualify.
For Performing Arts, only the Best in Show qualifies for State Finals.
An artist who is a multi-medal winners in the same sub-category locally may only submit one (1) entry per sub-category at State Finals.
Medals or not, GET UP, GET OUT and GET GOING! Come and join us for some fun, meet some new friends and enjoy a little recreation.
The following is the list of SilverArts categories and sub-categories:
Starting in 2025, the Mixed media sub-category will be discontinued in its present form as it will be replaced by Mixed Media 2D and Mixed Media 3D.
Life Experience
Short Stories (Fiction)
Basket Weaving
General Fiber Arts
Pottery (thrown or hand built)
Quilting (hand stitched)
Quilting (machine stitched)
Stained Glass
Tole/Decorative painting
Wood turning
Local competition only
Diamond Art
Gourds (painted)
Iron Working/Blacksmithing
Paper Arts
Quilting (machine stitched, collaborative)
Rugs Hooked (Woven or braided)
Digital art
Mixed Media 2D
Mixed Media 3D
Local Competition only
Alcohol Ink art
Art markers
Colored pencils

Comedy/Drama (group & solo)
Dance (group & solo)
Instrumental (group & solo)
Vocal (group & solo)

The following are the submission info and judging criteria for the various SilverArts categories.
Who is eligible?
To be eligible to participate, you must be 50 years of age or better on or before December 31 of the current year and be a resident of Cherokee, Clay and Graham counties for three (3) consecutive months each year.
What is eligible?
All SilverArts work must have been produced/completed within the last 2 years (e.g. after May 2023 for the 2025 SilverArts Showcase competition).
Entries cannot have previously medaled locally or entered or performed at the NC State Finals Games.
Heritage Arts submission info and requirements
An artist may submit a maximum of 3 entries per sub-category.
The artist's name, title of entry and sub-category must be attached to the entry when submitted.
All 2D Art must be properly framed, wired and ready to be hung and be no larger than 36" x 42", including the frame.
3D Art pieces cannot be larger than than 3' wide x 3' deep x 5' high and must be attached to a base.
Heritage art must be the work of ONE individual and not a group with the exception of Quilting - machine, collaborative.
All entries must be an original work. Patterns may be used but no stamped pieces or kits will be accepted with the exception of the Diamond Art sub-category.
No entry may be heavier than 50 lbs.
Criteria for judging; Originality, Color, Eye Appeal, Function (does it do what it is supposed to do?), Proportions,/Skill/Workmanship.
Literary Arts submission info and requirements
An artist may submit a maximum of 1 entry per sub-category.
Entries for all sub-categories should be typed on 8 1/2" x 11" paper and have a minimum of 1" margins and a minimum font size of 10 point type. Font should be easily readable and "times new roman" or "arial" fonts are suggested.
Poems can be no longer than 40 lines and single spacing is acceptable.
Essays, Short stories and Life Experiences can be no longer than 8 pages and must be double-spaced and have page numbers.
All entries must have a title page which includes the title of the work, sub-category and name of author. The title page is not included in the page count.
For judging purposes, the name of the author should appear only on the title page.
The author should keep the original and submit a copy of the work which Cherokee/Clay County Senior Games & SilverArts will keep.
Criteria for judging; Creativity, Rhythm/Flow/Readability, Message conveyed by Words, Technique (grammar, style, appropriateness).
Visual Arts submission info and requirements
An artist may submit a maximum of 3 entries per sub-category.
The artist's name, title of entry and sub-category must be attached to the entry when submitted.
All 2D Art must be properly framed, wired and ready to be hung and be no larger than 36" x 42", including the frame.
Sculpture groupings can be no more than 3 pieces.
For 2025, the Mixed media sub-category will be discontinued in its present form as it will be replaced by Mixed Media 2D and Mixed Media 3D. All 3D pieces should be free-standing, able to be displayed in an area no greater than 3' wide x 3' deep x 5' high and must be attached to a base.
No entry may be heavier than 50 lbs.
Criteria for judging; Originality, Color, Eye Appeal, Perspective, Technique.
Performing Arts info and requirements
An artist may only submit one entry per size of act in each of 2 sub-categories.
Group sizes
For ALL sub-categories except CHEERLEADING, group sizes are: Soloists (who may be accompanied), Small groups: 2 - 4, Large group 5 or more performers.
Cheerleading group sizes are: Small: 2 - 4, Medium: 5 - 9, Large: 10 or more performers
For ALL sub-categories except CHEERLEADING - performance is limited to 3 minutes.
Cheerleading time limit is 4 minutes. Exceeding the time limit will result in disqualification (State competition rules). Timing begins with the first note of music or the first movement of the act.
Props are the responsibility of the performer.
Voice presentations must be live, although background music may use audio tapes or be accompanied.
All performers, including accompanists must be over the age of 50 and must register as SilverArts participants, although and accompanist will not be counted in the number of performers.
Criteria for judging; Technique (difficulty), Creativity (originality), Execution (skill), Presentation (showmanship).